Speak To Persuade™
When Being Informative Is Not Enough™
Why Vanna?
Vanna’s clients can tell you better than anyone, why out of the thousands of others who offer programs on effective presentation skills, you might want to bring Vanna in to speak to or work with your group. But in addition to what her clients say about her, it might be helpful to know that her business has been built almost purely on word of mouth, and that nearly 75% of her work comes from loyal, long-term clients who love what she delivers and the difference that she’s made.
As our association name implies, we can be a tough bunch of prima donnas when it comes to conferences. Occasionally, presenters are greeted by our members with a “been there, done that” attitude. You are clearly an exception! I was delighted at the many positive comments of praise I heard from our people about your presentation. They felt they heard something new and that you were speaking to them personally about things important to them. You are a top notch professional and without gimmicks or gags, you held everyone’s attention throughout the morning in a direct, delightfully entertaining and fresh way. Thank you for helping to make our conference a great success!
Speak To Persuade™: My Signature Program
In today’s highly competitive global marketplace, your level of knowledge, expertise, and track record may not be enough to be heard above the din of other voices vying for the same attention.
Standing out from your competition, whose message may sound all too much like your own, has become more challenging than ever. Winning requires knowing much more than what you want to say; it requires knowing how you want to say it, combined with a powerful and persuasive delivery.
If it is important for you to...
- Maximize your impact, as well as that of your message
- Connect with your audience and build a geniune sense of trust and rapport
- Get your listeners to feel the impact of what you’re saying, not just think it
- Increase the power of every key message you deliver, every key point you make
- Be remembered for all the right reasons long after your presentation is over
…then you will want to experience Speak to Persuade™.
Speak to Persuade™ is designed specifically for individuals and presentation teams who have a high need to learn how to develop and deliver presentations that will:
- Influence decision-making
- Obtain buy-in
- Move your listeners to take specific, desired action
Bottom-line, this program is designed to increase the effectiveness of anyone wanting to get targeted results when speaking before groups of any type or size.

Audiences frequently include...
- Product or service sales professionals
- Marketing, advertising and design professionals
- Business development specialists
- Client services representatives
- Account executives and managers
- Corporate executives and senior managers
- Community and association leaders or directors
- Leaders-in-training focused on reaching the executive ranks
- Business professionals interested in positioning for career success
- Individuals with a passion and a cause who want their message to be heard, felt, and acted upon
What value will you get?
In an engaging and interactive format, Vanna will show you how to:
- Develop and deliver presentations that will influence thinking and impact decision making – you will move from being simply informative to becoming a persuasive presenter
- Build a benefits-focused presentation tailored to meet the needs and interests of your audience
- Position and present key ideas for maximum impact
- Be heard and more importantly, be remembered
- Understand and apply the three C’s in persuasive speaking
- Develop meaningful openings, transitions and conclusions that engage and impact
- Build in logical and emotional appeal to feed both the minds and hearts of your listeners
- Elicit trust and instill confidence while building rapport
- Use Vanna’s Fast Five Steps to structure presentations designed to persuade
- Think on your feet and respond effectively when under pressure
- Stay in control and maintain a positive tone during the Q & A
- Apply the three vital principles in developing and using persuasive structure
- Never be boring again!
It’s all about knowing what it takes to create a genuine relationship of trust with your audiences, then maximizing the potency and affect of your message through the right balance of content and effective use of persuasive structure and language.
Contact Vanna

Vanna’s services are offered in a number of different formats to suit your needs. Regardless of which format you select, the content, timeframes, and delivery will be tailored to achieve the results you want.
Training implies the transference of skills, which goes beyond simply understanding concepts. It involves the ability to demonstrate new skills. For that reason, the number of participants in Vanna’s training sessions is limited to a maximum of 10 people. This gives each participant the opportunity to apply skills and techniques being discussed and receive feedback on their individual performance. This smaller group size allows Vanna the time to respond to specific concerns as well as offer on-the-spot coaching. The training format includes lecture, discussion, Q & A and exercises in which videotaping is used as an integral part of the feedback process. This is usually a two-day program with one to two weeks in-between the two days. A complete description of this program is available upon request.
Seminars are done for larger groups in a lecture format with time for Q & A. Audiences can range from 15 to 1500 people or more. Due to the larger number of participants, and depending on the amount of time available, two to three volunteers are usually selected to have the opportunity to be videotaped and get a bit of feedback and coaching. While the volunteers gain the most value from the exercise, other audience members learn through watching and listening to the coaching and feedback that takes place. Regardless of the amount of time she’s given, Vanna will cover the key elements and concepts that go into developing and delivering presentations that persuade, convince and inspire. The time frame for seminars can range from 45 minutes to half or full days.
When she’s not presenting or speaking before an audience, Vanna is frequently asked to consult with presentation teams to work with them to develop targeted, high-stakes presentations designed to appeal to a very specific group. Usually it’s related to a sales or marketing effort which will have significant impact on the organization’s bottom-line. In other words, there’s a whole lot to be gained if the presentation is successful.
When consulting with your team, Vanna prefers to have a minimum of three sessions with the entire team, each session running three to four hours. Using a process that involves a combination of training, consulting and facilitation, Vanna will take your team from identifying their core message and key content, to being ready for tough questions during the Q & A. And, it’s all done with a focus on structuring and delivering the message and your team in a manner that will convince and persuade.
If you have a major presentation or keynote speech to deliver, it often makes sense to bring in an expert to help ensure your success. Vanna will work with you one-on-one and guide you through a process that will help you target your message to your audience, uncover major points you want to get across, apply key principles that will motivate and inspire, and get you delivering and feeling like a “pro!” Similar to when she consults with teams, Vanna prefers to have a minimum of three sessions about a week apart, with approximately three hours for each session.
If you’re looking for a keynote speech for a general session that has substantive, relevant content delivered in an entertaining, engaging and interactive manner, then you’ll want to give Vanna a call. Vanna’s keynote presentations will inspire and encourage your audience while offering valuable “how-to” information that can be put to immediate use.
After hearing her speak, it’s not unusual for audience comments to include things like, “Let’s bring her back!” or, “Give her more time!” Vanna’s keynote speeches generally run about 45 to 50 minutes and are given at industry or association conferences, or various corporate events.