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The Art of Influence

Managing Perceptions and the Power of First Impressions

What a success Impressions has been! I continue to get positive feeedback; not only from participants but from our instructors as well. One of the most common positive comments I hear about the ‘Train the Trainer’ session you did is how much they value your sensitive, but forthright feedback. I continue to learn and grow from watching and working with you as we develop programs for our Customer Service Agents.

Manager, Airport Services, Alaska Airlines

I received two e-mail messages Friday afternoon from the class participants, thanking me for arranging the program and extolling your praises. On Tuesday, it was announced to 40 of our senior consultants that the program was ‘One of the best investments we’ve ever made.’ Several others from your class then spoke up on what they had found valuable. Well done!

Market Development Consultant, Milliman, Inc.

The Power of First Impressions

How long do you think it takes for someone to have an impression of who you are and what they think you’re capable of accomplishing?

When people meet you for the first time, do they feel drawn to you, neutral or perhaps repelled? Do they need to hear you speak before making any judgments about you?

If you are a person of color, a woman, a Boomer generation white male, or a fresh out of college twenty-something,  how quickly do stereotypes come into play that affect others’ judgments of you? Are you even aware of what those stereotypes are and whether or not how you project yourself fits the mold? And perhaps more significantly, does the manner in which you handle yourself help or hinder your business success in a competitive environment?

What’s Covered?

In this session, we will take a candid look at these questions within the context of being a business professional working within the corporate environment.

  • Judgments people make about you within the first 10 seconds of meeting you
  • The first nine things people notice about you before you even begin to speak
  • Your nonverbal impact — why and how it will say volumes about you
  • How to communicate confidence and competence when it counts
  • How to cultivate and project the look, voice, manner and demeanor of a leader
  • Social graces that are indispensable to career success

Program Goal

The goal of The Art of Influence program is to help us create a conscious awareness of all that it takes beyond technical competence to rise and work successfully within any organization. If you are not moving ahead on your desired career path, there’s a good chance that it is not due to any lack of intelligence or technical smarts, but rather, how you’re perceived and the impressions you are making. Join us for this thought provoking program that can accelerate your career!

Contact Vanna

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